Adverbs are words that modify
·         verb (He drove slowly. — How did he drive?)
·         an adjective (He drove a very fast car. — How fast was his car?)
·         another adverb (She moved quite slowly down the aisle. — How slowly did she move?)
As we will see, adverbs often tell when, where, why, or under what conditions something happens or happened. Adverbs frequently end in -ly; however, many words and phrases not ending in -ly serve an adverbial function and an -ly ending is not a guarantee that a word is an adverb. The words lovely, lonely, motherly, friendly, neighborly, for instance, are adjectives:
·         That lovely woman lives in a friendly neighborhood.
If a group of words containing a subject and verb acts as an adverb (modifying the verb of a sentence), it is called an Adverb Clause:
·         When this class is over, we're going to the movies.
When a group of words not containing a subject and verb acts as an adverb, it is called an adverbial phrasePrepositional phrases frequently have adverbial functions (telling place and time, modifying the verb):
·         He went to the movies.
·         She works on holidays.
·         They lived in Canada during the war.
And Infinitive phrases can act as adverbs (usually telling why):
·         She hurried to the mainland to see her brother.
·         The senator ran to catch the bus.
But there are other kinds of adverbial phrases:
·         He calls his mother as often as possible.

Adverbs can modify adjectives, but an adjective cannot modify an adverb. Thus we would say that "the students showed a really wonderful attitude" and that "the students showed a wonderfully casual attitude" and that "my professor is really tall, but not "He ran real fast."
Like adjectives, adverbs can have comparative and superlative forms to show degree.
·         Walk faster if you want to keep up with me.
·         The student who reads fastest will finish first.
We often use more and mostless and least to show degree with adverbs:
·         With sneakers on, she could move more quickly among the patients.
·         The flowers were the most beautifully arranged creations I've ever seen.
·         She worked less confidently after her accident.
·         That was the least skillfully done performance I've seen in years.
The as — as construction can be used to create adverbs that express sameness or equality: "He can't run as fast as his sister."
A handful of adverbs have two forms, one that ends in -ly and one that doesn't. In certain cases, the two forms have different meanings:
·         He arrived late.
·         Lately, he couldn't seem to be on time for anything.
In most cases, however, the form without the -ly ending should be reserved for casual situations:
·         She certainly drives slow in that old Buick of hers.
·         He did wrong by her.
·         He spoke sharp, quick, and to the point.
Adverbs often function as intensifiers, conveying a greater or lesser emphasis to something. Intensifiers are said to have three different functions: they can emphasize, amplify, or downtone. Here are some examples:
·         Emphasizers:
o    I really don't believe him.
o    He literally wrecked his mother's car.
o    She simply ignored me.
o    They're going to be late, for sure.
·         Amplifiers:
o    The teacher completely rejected her proposal.
o    I absolutely refuse to attend any more faculty meetings.
o    They heartily endorsed the new restaurant.
o    I so wanted to go with them.
o    We know this city well.
·         Downtoners:
o    I kind of like this college.
o    Joe sort of felt betrayed by his sister.
o    His mother mildly disapproved his actions.
o    We can improve on this to some extent.
o    The boss almost quit after that.
o    The school was all but ruined by the storm.
Adverbs (as well as adjectives) in their various degrees can be accompanied by premodifiers:
·         She runs very fast.
·         We're going to run out of material all the faster

Negative – Either Neither, rarely, hardly, barely

Pengertian Negation

Negation adalah bentuk pernyataan negatif. Kita tahu betul bahwa untuk membentuk kalimat negatif ada beberapa cara, namun begitu di bawah ini akan kami jelaskan bentuk-bentuk negation, atau bentuk-bentuk bagaimana membentuk suatu pernyataan negatif.
1.      Dengan Auxiliary Verbs
Ingat bahwa apabila kita sudah menggunakan Auxiliary verbs dalam kalimat negative, maka Kata kerja harus kembali ke bentuk semula.
·         I didnt understand what you mean. (BUKAN I dint understood)
·         She cant swim well.
·         She doesnt come today.
2.      Dengan Menggunakan No
Kita bisa juga membentuk kalimat negatif dengan menggunakan No.
·         I have no money. (ATAU I dont have money)
·         She has no any sugar. (ATAU she does not have any sugar)
Negative  Either Neither
Either or neither di gunakan untuk menggabungkan kalimat negative.
[S1 + auxiliary not + V + O dan S2 + auxiliary not + either / neither
+ auxiliary + S2]
Neither = not either, oleh karenanya setelah auxiliary tidak, tidak disertai not lagi.
·         They do not come late
·         Brian does not come late
They do not come late and Brian does not either / neither does Brian
Kalimat pertanyaan pertama yang mengandung kata: never, seldom, rarely, hardly, few and little dianggap memiliki pengertian negative.
·         I seldom visit my uncle, and neither does my sister
·         I rarely visit my uncle, but my sister does.
Gabungan Setara
Bilamana kata either dan neither di ikuti oleh or dan norkata kerja/ auxiliarynya mungkin singular atau pun plural (jamak) bergantung pada kata setelah or atau nor apakah singular atau plural.
Kalaupun kata or atau nor berdiri sendiri, verb tetap di temukan oleh kata setelah or atau nor.
Singular noun + singular verb/ auxiliary
+ Noun +
Singular noun + singular verb/ auxiliary
Noun +
+ Singular noun + singular verb/ auxiliary
Noun +
+ Plural noun + Plural verb/ Auxiliary
Neither John nor Bill is going to class today
Either John or Bill is going to the beach today.
Neither John nor his friends are going to class today
rarely, hardly, barely
Rarely adalah adverb of frequency yang menunjukkan intensitas waktu (how often) sedangkan hardly dan barely adalah adverb of measurement yang menujukkan ke tidakmampuan / kesulitan seseorang untukmelakukan sesuatu ketiganya mempunyai arti yang sama
·         Marti rarely drinks coffee (marti hampir tidak pernah minum kopi)
·         Do yo hardly ever get sick (apakah kamu hampir tidak pernah jatuh sakit?)
·         She barely knows how to read compass and map (dia tidak tau bagaimana membaca kompas dan peta)

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